Community Care
We Believe
Our Mission Is Everywhere
Each Of Us Can Serve.
In Our
And Beyond
August 19, 2024 — August 23, 2024
9:00am — 12:00pm
Allan StreetThedford, ON N0M 2N0
We need each other – to serve each other and love one another; and this call and desire to serve one another extends equally beyond the doors of the church building. Not one of us are perfect, but we can all offer care in our community, without judgement. The KPC family are involved in organizations, as coaches, volunteers and more, serving Lambton Shores and the surrounding.
Programs offered deal in practical everyday life, with in-school mentoring, family supper night, Grief Share, Divorce Care, DC4K and Single & Parenting. “An Extra Place at the Table” ministry supports our local food bank year round. Assisting individuals and families in need allows us to provide Christmas dinners and gifts to several local families. During the summer KPC offers a yearly Vacation Bible Camp, a week long program that ends with a time with all in the community. Pastor Chris offers short term crisis, marriage and family and grief counselling, and helpful referrals for longer term care. With the opioid epidemic there is a great need to have support through knowledge, a listening ear and a place to feel safe while trying to navigate the devastating grip of addictions. “S.A.F.E.” is group that meets every other wee for families with loved ones caught in drug addiction -Every other Thursday at 7:30p.m. The secret of addiction keeps those struggling in the dark with no support, feeling shamed and no idea of how prevalent the issue is. The Narcotics Anonymous group meets Every Wednesday, at 8.00 p.m. Here for you, here for any of us – Without Judgement.
Narcotics Anonymous
Next Meeting In August
S.A.F.E. Group
Next Meeting In August
Knox Knitters
Peggy Smith works together with groups in and outside of our community finding the highest needs that the Knox Knitters can serve in and this group goes to work! Knitting Chemo hats, Infant Outfits, Warm winter mittens and hats, socks, scarves and more. Needs are met in word and deed.
An Extra Place at the Table
A mission that is in need more than ever -this ministry supports our local food bank year round. Other programs include Coat Drives, Blessing Bags, Income Tax Assistance, Family Meals along with individual services through the Benevolence Fund.
In-school mentoring
This program has changed lives in such incredible ways. Spending time together is enriching for both the student and mentor. In addition we have opportunities to encourage through the Sting Reading Week, The Christmas Skate & Dinner, the Remembrance Day Service, See You At The Pole, and Reading Buddies, along with many more opportunities where lives are impacted in our own community.
Grief Share
There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humor, or randomized words which don’t look even slightly believable. This one is for an amazing website template for churches around the world.